The Awakening – Video Sermon by Bishop TD Jakes

I saw a lady the other day, she’s a physical therapist and I had not seen her in quite awhile. And she was, she was big. Noticeably, excessively, exceedingly, abundantly, above all that I could ask or think. She was fat. She was huge. She was overflowing. Looked like bread dough coming over a muffin pan. Exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could ask or think. She was blessed. I act like I didn’t see it. I said hi. I thought “Whew, what happened to you”? I didn’t know then that she was pregnant. She was fat for a reason. She was growing something inside of herself.

See when you begin to understand that God is fat for a reason. I’m tryin’ to make you understand that your God is pregnant. He’s not fat without a cause. He’s not excessive without purpose. He’s not wealthy without reason. He’s not power without precision. He’s got something inside of him and out of the pregnancy of his own divinity he begins to speak things into existence. Can I preach this this morning? See, when you get around a creative person everything that they have created is an expression of who they are. For creativity does not come from external sources. It comes from internal.

That’s why he created the lesser lights. He was pregnant with the seas. That’s why he created the waters. He was pregnant with the world. That’s why he created the world. And out of the gross wealth of his creator call pregnancy. He said let there be. His water broke and it became whatever he said because he is God. And then the God who is pregnant created pregnant things. He says, “Sea, you’re pregnant. Bring forth”, and the fish began to swim. “Ground, you’re pregnant, bring forth”, and the vegetation began to grow. “Sky, you’re pregnant”, and the birds begin to fly. But when he got ready to make man. He said, “None of you are pregnant with that. Let us make man. Let us make man in our own image and in our own likeness and after our own kind”.

Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Touch your neighbor and say I got something kicking inside of me. It’s kicking. It won’t let me sleep at night and won’t let me rest in my bed. It won’t let me settle for mediocrity. It won’t let me settle this to be natural. It won’t let me be normal. I’m fat with something. I’m feeding something. I’m stirring something. I had to come to church ’cause I gotta feed this thing that’s jumping inside of me. My God, out of your belly, out of your spirit shall flow. Oh my God, my God. Touch seven people tell ’em I feel a flow, I feel a flow, I feel a flow. The umbilical cord between the creation and the Creator was uncut. He told the sun to shine. And he’s still upholding and according to Hebrews 1 and 3, by the word of his power it’s still shining and spinning just like he created it because he spoke it and said let there be light, light, light, light, light, light, light, light, light, light, light, light, light, light, light, light, light.

His word will not return unto him void, but it will do that thing where unto it was sent. If God starts it, he’s gonna finish it. He “said, Don’t call me Alpha unless you’re willing to call me Omega”. He said, “If you see me as the beginning you will see me as the end”. He “said, If you are buried with him in the likeness of his death, you shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection. I wouldn’t have got you started if I wasn’t God enough to finish everything”. Warn your neighbor. Touch ’em say something’s about to happen in here. I can feel it in my spirit. I feel something happening in this place. I feel the power of God moving in this place. I feel a release in this place. I feel your yoke breaking anointing in this place. I feel victory in this place. I feel deliverance in this place. I feel glory in this place.

Somebody oughta, anybody oughta, everybody ought to open your mouth. Blessed be God. Somebody shout blessed be God. Oh, you just said it. I need somebody to shout blessed be God. You don’t understand what you drive away when you say that. Somebody shout blessed be God. Every time you shout that lack started backing up out of your life. Blessed be God. Sickness starts backing up out of your life. Defeat starts backing up out of your life. Shout it again, blessed be God! You can never get depressed shouting that. You can never be defeated saying that. You can never go backwards saying that. Say it again, blessed be God! He said… I’m just talking to you.

Slap your neighbor and say I am blessed. I am blessed. I am blessed. You may not be able to see it but I am blessed. I may not have it on this morning but I’m blessed. I may not have drove it to church but I am blessed. I am blessed. How do you know you’re blessed? Do you know you’re blessed because you got a job? It ain’t about the job. Do you know you’re blessed because you got a house? It ain’t about the house. Do you know you’re blessed because you got a mink coat? It ain’t about the coat. Do you know who my daddy is? How could I be anything else but blessed? Blessed be God. Blessed be God who has blessed us. I’m blessed because he’s blessed. I’m created in his image. I’m his mirror. I’m a reflection of him in the earth.

How in the world can I be a mirror and a blessed God stand in front of me and me not be blessed back? If he was blessed coming toward me and I’m created in his image then I cannot reflect defeat, failure, and fear lest I be a lie to God. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. The closer he gets to me the more blessed I am. Oh, I feel something stirring in this place. I feel something about to release in this place. If I was a demon I’d get out of here. If I were the devil I would run out of the room. If I was fear I would get out of the building. If I was lack I would run for cover cause I feel a Holy Ghost downpour about to saturate this place. Somebody take 30 seconds and give God a blessed pray, I mean a fat praise.

Anyway, let me stop playing around. I do want to tell you haven’t thought your highest thought yet. You haven’t climbed your highest mountain yet. You haven’t done your biggest business deal yet. You haven’t taken in your greatest harvest yet. If you had the devil wouldn’t be fighting you. Why would he fight you if you were already finished? He’s fighting you ’cause there’s something else down inside of you. Lord, who am I preaching to? I don’t know. Holler, my best days are ahead of me. Oh, you don’t sound like you mean it. My best days are ahead of me.

Anyway, sit down, I’m just talking to you. I’m almost finished. Ooh yeah, it’s kicking down in there. Blessed be God, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings. Look at your neighbor and say I got a spiritual blessing. Now that may sound like it’s less than a natural blessing, but a spiritual blessing is never less than a natural blessing because the natural blessing is an offspring of a spiritual blessing. For we know that things that do appear were not made from things that do appear. That means you get healed in your spirit before you get healed in your body. You get blessed in your spirit before you get blessed in your body. You get free in your spirit before you get free in your body. You get loosed in your spirit before you get loosed in your body. If you can get it in your spirit you can get it in your life. So, what he does, he puts the blessing in your spirit in seed form. It exists in seed form. And planted it in your spirit.

Now, the Bible says according as he hath chosen us in him. There go that pregnant again. He picked us out while we were still in him. I was his. Y’all can’t handle this. Before I joined the church, I was his before I got saved. I was his when I was still in the club. I was his when I was in the strip joint. I was his when I was in the casino. I was his before I was in my mother’s womb. I was his before my mama met my daddy. I was his before my grandfather met my grandmother. I was his before Christopher Columbus found America. I was his before the foundations of the world. He chose me in him. Stick your chest out at somebody and say I’ve already been chosen. I’ve already been picked. I belong to God.

You ought to shout right now. “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world”. I didn’t pick you out because you could preach. I didn’t pick you out because you could sing. I didn’t pick you out because you could minister. I didn’t pick you out because you could write books. I didn’t pick you out because you was right. I didn’t pick you out because you was holy. In fact, I picked you out when you couldn’t even do anything, didn’t even know anything, didn’t even aware that you exist. Before the foundations of the world I had already picked you out. It’s nothing that you did that made me pick you. I picked you before you can do anything and if nothing that you did could make me choose you.

She says, “I’m going to have the babies”. She said, “Because I already love the babies. I haven’t touched them. I haven’t held them but I already love ’em. They’re already mine”. She said, “Whatever’s wrong with them”, y’all can’t handle this, “Whatever’s wrong with them I still want them. I’ll take ’em if they’re joined together. I’d taken together if the heads are stuck. They are still mine”. Throw your chest out say I belong to God. Crazy as I am. Silly as I am. Stupid mistakes I make. I still… And just because you don’t like me you can’t get God to abort me. Say whatever you want to say but greater is he. Oh, I feel the Holy Ghost. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, somebody give God a praise.