And Jesus said you failed at getting the victory because you lack the faith in the physical because of something you lacked in the spiritual. You didn’t fail ’cause you didn’t have passion. You didn’t fail ’cause you wasn’t wanting the right thing. You didn’t fail because you didn’t have the energy. You failed because you didn’t have the right perspective, the right faith, looking at it the right way. I failed in an area I could see, because I didn’t have something that I can’t see. Attitude, faith, perspective, posturing, everybody say, they got it.
“Oh, I believe God, child, don’t worry about that. I believe God. I believe God, yeah, absolutely”. But if you hang around them long enough and listen at ’em talk long enough, you’ll find that it’s possible for your mouth to say something that your heart does not possess. I was goin’ through somethin’ recently, and it was really, really deep, and really, really heavy, and I expected to be really, really upset, and really, really in a fog about it, and then I kind of… I won’t say that wasn’t troubled at all, but I was shocked at how little I was troubled. I said, “That’s not normal for you. This is the kind of thing that would trip you out, and you would not sleep for days”, and I’m in the bed sleep, waking up surprised.
Touch somebody say, “I got a little bit of that”. I can take a licking and keep on ticking. I got a little bit of that. I’m not saying I don’t have a breaking point. I’m not sayin’ that don’t nothin’ trouble me, but the things that got me five years ago don’t get me like… oh, I need a 30-second praise break for somebody in this room. Used to be, used to be if I loved you, used to be if you walked out on me, used to be if you divorced me, used to be if you fired me, used to be if I lost my house, used to be if I was backed up on my car, used to be I would have collapsed, and died, and fainted, and wanted to slit my wrist, but I got a little bit, just a little bit of a little bit of something.
I want to talk to you about the mountain that’s right in front of you right now, that’s standing right up in your face. And so, what struck me was the contrast between the simplicity, and the frailty, and the smallness, and the minuteness of the mustard seed, which is one of the smallest seeds possible. A mustard seed is too small to grip in your hand. It can slip through the cracks of your fingers. It’s so small that it’s hard to hold it without it getting out from in between your fingers. A mustard seed, there it is, just that. Look at that and say, “I got a little bit”. If you have the faith, that’s all you need. Let me talk to the folks in the balcony. Where are my balcony believers? For the mountain that you’re facing right now, that’s all the faith you need.
And I was struck with this potency of faith and the contrast between the size of the seed and the size of the mountain. Hmm-hmm, yeah, how big and foreboding the mountain is. How long it took them to climb up the mountain. How the mountain blocks your view and stops your vision, ’cause when you got a mountain in front of you, you can’t see your future… oh, y’all don’t hear what I’m saying. When you got a mountain in front of you, you can’t see tomorrow. When you got a mountain in front of you, you think your life is not worth living. When you got a mountain in front of you, you can’t see yourself beyond the mountain, because the mountain blocks your view. But if you got a little bit, Jesus is saying the promise is not proportional.
You don’t have to have equivalency, as much faith as you have mountain. It doesn’t have to be an equal fight. You don’t have to have a mountain of faith for a mountain of problems. The promise is not proportional. God doesn’t weigh it the way you weigh it. He doesn’t see it the way you see it. He doesn’t do it the way you do it. He’s not goin’ by what you see, the mountain is what you see. Jesus says if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can speak to mountains. God God of mercy.
See, ’cause if you’re not careful, the mountain will take your voice. You’ll just stand there and look at it. You’ll just get depressed about it. You’ll be suicidal about it. You’ll be ready to blow your brains out about it. But this morning, we’re gonna open our mouths and speak to stuff. Somebody shout at the top of your lungs, “Move”. Take me slow. Take me slow. The seed, the mustard seed is not to be not easily devalued, not easily underestimated. That’s what I want to say. It shouldn’t be underestimated. The mountain is what it is, let me explain. The mountain has no growth potential, but the potential of the mustard seed is limitless. The mustard seed will produce a mustard plant that will produce more mustard seeds that will fill up an entire field that will fill up another field. It is absolutely limitless, and though it looks smaller than the mountain, somebody shout, “Move”.
I am struck at the contrast between the proportionate size of the seed and the proportionate size of the mountain. And suddenly, I began to realize why God got mad at David for counting the children of Israel. ‘Cause God says you’re not gonna get the victory because of how big you are. I don’t give you the victory based on what you’ve counted in your budget ledger. I don’t give you the victory because you can afford it. I don’t give you the victory because of your degrees. I don’t give you the victory because of what you’re counting on. I’ll take something that looks less and do more with it. That’s how you know I’m God.
I’m going deeper into this. You didn’t win because of your faith. Sometimes our perception of being small comes from how we see ourselves. See, I’ve taught you this before, but I’m going to go through it again, ’cause maybe somebody wasn’t here when I taught it. I can see everything in the room. I can see the people in the balcony. I can see somebody walking in the back. I can see everybody moving. I can see the cameramen. I can see the cameras. I can see everything goin’ on around me. I see my wife over there. I see everything in the room. I can see the carpet. I can see the steps. I can see the lights. I can see the doors. I can see everything in the room, but I can’t see me.
If I want to see me, I gotta get a mirror or somethin’ to see me, because my eyes are not designed so that they are positioned to see me. So, I can only imagine me. I can only imagine me. I can only image me. My imagination of me it’s based on the image in my head of me. How do you see you? You see the mountain clearly. You see the mountain clearly. The mountain makes sure you see it. It has blocked your view of anything beyond it. Jesus is trying to teach us a lesson on small things. And sometimes our perception of being small comes from how we see ourselves.
Put Numbers 13:32-33 up for a minute, and take a look at. I think this will make it clear. “And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, ‘The land through which we have gone to search it is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof. And all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature'”. They big, y’all, they big. “And there we saw giants”. It’s big, y’all. “They’re the sons of Anak”, they’re big, “Which come out of the giants. And we were in our own sight as grasshoppers”. And because of how we saw ourselves, because we saw ourselves as little insects, and we saw them as giants, that’s how they saw us. That’s how they treated us.
So, sometimes our smallness is imagined. Sometimes our smallness is imaged, imaged on us. Where did we get those images from? Who told you you were naked? Who told you you were stupid? Who told you you couldn’t learn? Who told you you couldn’t do it? Who told you you weren’t attractive? Who told you nobody would want you? Who told you that you would never be loved? Who told you that you’d never make it? Who told you? Because whoever told you, that’s who sketched you, ’cause you couldn’t see you. So, since I can’t see me, all I can do is imagine me. And if the wrong person drew the image, who sketched you? Other times, we are in fact truly outnumbered. Sometimes, I will admit, you really are outnumbered, you’re outnumbered.
I need five people that got faith to find five people that got faith, and say, “It’s gonna be stupid blessing”. I mean, this is gonna be crazy. This is gonna be ridiculous. This is not gonna add up. It’s not gonna make sense. It’s gonna be outta time. It’s gonna be off schedule. At the wrong age, at the wrong stage, at the wrong place. Slap somebody say, “I mean, stupid”. Is there anybody in here that God’s been talking to about a stupid blessing? C’mon here, preacher. Has God been telling you that he’s gonna do something? You lookin’ at your wallet, and you’re lookin’ at what God said, and you say, “Lord, ain’t no way you gonna take this little bit”. You’re looking at yourself, and you say, “Lord, ain’t no way”.
Tell your neighbor, “Don’t worry about it, it’s gonna be stupid”. It’s going to be stupid. It’s not gonna make sense. It’s not gonna make sense. No need in testifying about it, ’cause ain’t nobody gonna believe it. It’s gonna sound crazy. It’s not gonna add up. It’s not gonna be an equivalent. That at this stage in your life, that you would come into the best years of your life. Touch three people say, “I got a little bit”. I got a little bit. I’m 60, but I still got a little bit. I’m 50, but I still got a little bit. I’m young, but I still got a little bit. I’m a woman, but I got a little bit. I’m an old man, but I got a little bit.