Anybody can praise him when they get a new car. Anybody can praise him when they got a new job. Anybody can praise him when everybody loves you. But you have to be a believer to praise God when all hell is breaking loose ’cause you know you’re on your way to a breakthrough. Are there any believers in the house? I’m just talking to you. I’m just talking to you.
Let me show you something. I want you to go to Gospel of saint Mark 10:29. Oh yeah, oh yeah. You on the verge of something. You’re on the verge of something. You on the verge of something. You on the verge of something. You on the verge, I don’t know. I don’t know who I’m preaching to. I don’t know who I’m preaching for, but you’re on the verge of something. I don’t know who God’s been talking to me about. Maybe it’s you watching online but you’re on the verge of something. Something’s about to break forth in your life. I know it’s been tough, I know it’s been hard, I know you had to cry sometimes. I know you can’t see your way clear. I know it’s uncomfortable. But you’re on the verge of something. You’re on the verge of something. Somebody help me shout.
You gonna get all of it, whatever you lack, whatever you lost, whatever you gain back, God said you’re gonna get a hundred times… Do the math. Do the math. Do the math. Write up a list of everything you lost, everything you lost, everything you gain back, everything the enemy stole. Write it all down on a list and multiply times a hundred and then give God a shout on the level of your expectations. C’mon, somebody. On the level of your expectations.
He’s not talking about heaven. He’s not talking about streets of gold. He’s not talking about pearly gates. He’s talking about right now in this present age. Oh God, they don’t hear me. Slap somebody and say, “I’m not supposed to lose”. You may see me get in trouble for a minute but when I come out, do the math. I said, “When I come out, do the math”. I said, “When I come out, do the math”. The next time the devil tells you he got you in a stronghold and that you ain’t gonna never get up and you’re never gonna get it back and you’re never gonna get on your feet and you’re never gonna have anybody and you’re never gonna prosper, look the devil right in the face and say “Devil, do the math”. I wish I had a hundred people that would praise him for a hundred times more.
Let me go a little bit deeper. Can I go a little bit deeper? My God, something is about to happen in here. Something’s about to happen in here. Something’s about to happen in here. Something’s about to happen in here. Something’s about to happen. I’ve seen it in my own life. I remember when they possessed my car. They repossessed my car. I remember when they drove it out of the driveway. I remember the tears from my wife as I looked out the window and they were taking our car down the road. I remember how embarrassed I was to have to catch the bus.
I remember us selling pop bottles to get the money to get the bus fare to go up town. Devil, do the math. Everything the enemy stole from you, God will… oh, y’all won’t help me. Y’all won’t help me. I’m talking to somebody I don’t even know who it is. So Jesus said, “No man that gives up houses or land, brothers or sisters, will he not get it back a hundredfold in this life”. Wait a minute, wait, wait, wait a minute, wait a minute. Along with persecution. Now, now, along with persecution.
Persecution is a deterrent but Jesus says, “I’m gonna give you a hundredfold with persecution”. So I’m cool with it. You’ve gotta become comfortable with the fact that persecution is gonna come. Persecution, you’re gonna have haters. You just gotta be good with it. You gotta accept it. You gotta say, “That goes along with it. If I’m gonna be blessed on this level, I know I’m gonna be hated on this level. I know that new levels are gonna bring new devils. I’m good with it because I’m not gonna give up my blessing just so you will like me. Your love is too expensive. I cannot afford to go back into the wilderness so that you talk good about me. Hate me. Hate me. Say what you wanna say. They hated Jesus”.
It will come with persecution. And then he says, “And in the world to come, eternal life”. So what that… yeah, baby. Yeah, you heard what I was saying. I’m saying, “All of this and heaven, too”. I’m saying, “All of this and heaven, too”. Don’t tell me to wait on heaven ’cause Jesus said he was gonna do it in this life. You’re not gonna die ’til you see it. I don’t think they heard me. I’m gonna try it on you. You’re not gonna die ’til you see it. I’m gonna try y’all. You’re not gonna die ’til you see it. I don’t care what the doctor said, I don’t care what the report said, I don’t care how feeble you are, you’re not gonna die ’til you see it ’cause the Bible said a hundredfold in this present age.
Your haters are afraid of you. They don’t hate you; they’re afraid of you. They’re afraid of you. Nobody gets that kind of heavy artillery if they’re not afraid of you. The way you have been up under attack is not normal. When you get attacked on that level, the enemy is afraid of you. Now, there’s no need in him being afraid and me being afraid too. Where are my boys that holler at me a minute? There is no need in both of us being afraid. That’s why God talks to Joshua more about his attitude than he does his altitude. “Be strong and very courageous. Don’t you be scared. I’m gonna let them be scared”.
Another thing I want you to see. When you read the text, it says: “They came down from the hill to fight them”. Did you notice that? What fool… gives up the strategic advantage of being up on the hill and comes down to fight you? They’re giving up the territory you’re getting ready to take. What I’m trying to tell you is that they came down so that you could go up. So they came down to fight them. They came down to fight them, and they came because of the Gibeonites. They came down because of the Gibeonites.
So the Gibeonites call Joshua, reach out to him, got on the cell phone, sent him a text, said, “We’re about to get beat to death. This is gonna be a beatdown. We’re gonna be destroyed. Come help us”. Joshua says, “God, shall I go”? God says to Joshua, “None of them will be able to withstand you, not one of them”. Not one of them. Not one of them will be able to withstand you. Not one of them. You know that list you got? God said, “Not one of them”. “Lord, I got this going wrong, I got that going wrong, I got this going wrong, and then if I don’t get this by this, this is gonna go wrong and that’s gonna and this go wrong and it’s wrong time in my life, it’s wrong age, and I went through this and I went through that”. God said, “Not one of them will be able to withstand you”.
So Joshua got there so quick that he shocked them. Joshua got there so quick that he shocked them. He marched all night to show up in the morning. God is gonna do a quick work. I don’t know who this is for but I’m preaching to somebody right now. God’s gonna do a quick work. The enemy underestimated you. He thinks it’s gonna take longer than it’s gonna take. God’s gonna do a quick work. I wish I knew who I was preaching to. God is gonna do a quick work. This is overnight. This is overnight. Things are gonna shift. Things are gonna shift overnight. Things are gonna shift overnight. I wish I had somebody to holler…
Now, you know, we’re used to getting victory in a couple of areas. God said, “Not one of them”. Whoever this word is for, God said, “Not one of them”. Whatever inconvenience you’re going through right now, the Lord said, “Multiply it times a hundred. Do the math. Whatever you’re going through right now,” he says, “a hundredfold return is coming in your life and don’t be distracted by those enemies because your blessing is gonna come with persecution. But not one of them will be able to withstand you all the days of your life”.
I’m talking to somebody. Somebody’s hearing what I’m saying to you. Not one of them, not one of them, not one, not one of them, not one of them, not one of them. Plan on getting the victory. Plan on getting the victory. Plan on getting the victory. Plan on it. Think about it. Strategize about it. Organize for it. Don’t plan to be broke. Don’t plan to be sick. Don’t plan to be down. Don’t plan to be out. Start making plans like an overcomer. Slap somebody and say, “Not one of them”.
Oh, sit down. I didn’t mean to get excited. Okay, so I talked to you about the politics. The politics is all the maneuvering that happens when you’re on your way up. The people coming and going, in and out of your life ’cause you’re on your way up. Associations with people who are not as sincere as you would like them to be. But you gotta be able to work with them ’cause God’s gonna use them strategically for his own divine purpose. So you gotta be able to work with some Gibeonites. You can’t just work with Israelite. You gotta be able to work with some foreign people and some strange people. You gotta be able to know that they have a hidden agenda and still be able to use.
See I’m gonna keep breaking it down ’til you get it. If you can only work with people that are pure, you will limit your kingdom. You gotta be able to work with people that have an agenda but you gotta control that agenda and made them serve your vision. Are you hearing what I’m saying to you? C’mon, ’cause you’re going to the next level. When you was on the first level, you could only work with the children of Israel but in order to go to the next level, you gotta be able to work with some folk that ain’t telling you the truth, not really with you for the right reasons, but God sent them for his own divine purpose and God has a strategy that he’s gonna use them and God is gonna get the glory out of this. I said God is gonna get the glory out of this. I said God is gonna get the glory out of this. I said God is gonna get the glory out of this.
Can I go just a little bit deeper? Most Christians think so shallow. If they see me working with somebody or they see me post a “Happy birthday” to somebody and they not a Christian, they flip out. Now, they work with people that’s not Christian. They got people in their family that’s not Christian, but they think that I should only work with people who shares my values. God will use anybody to bless you.
Number one, you can’t influence people you don’t talk to. That’s number one. Number two, God will use anybody to bless you. God fed Elijah through the mouth of a raven. Some of your blessing is in the hands of the Gibeonites. The Bible already told you it was a great city. Now God has made the great city serve you, if your mind is big enough to handle that God is going to use somebody who’s not just perfect, does have an agenda, but God is gonna make them work together for the good of them that loved the Lord, who are the called according to his purpose.
I’m gonna say that, those of you who are able to receive it, receive it. Those of you who can’t receive it, stay where you are. That’s okay, that’s fine. We’re not gonna fight about it, but I am telling you if you’re going to the next level of life, you have to be prepared to work with people where you agree on what you’re trying to get done but you might not agree about everything else. If you understand that, clap your hands.