I’m through with it. It’s done. It’s over. I’m gone before I go. I quit before I resign. I leave before I left. It’s over. Once I get my heart out, I’m out. Oh, if you let me get my heart out, I’m out. Don’t pay this body no attention. This body may still be coming home for six months, but once I get my heart out, God said, “I pour my heart out of him. It’s over. I have rejected him. I’m through with him”. The issue is, and this is the issue for you, there are some things that God has rejected. It is finished, it is done, it is over, but it’s still sitting there. It is still looking ya in the face. It is still meeting you at the water cooler.
Oh, y’all don’t hear what I’m saying. Y’all don’t hear what I’m saying. Y’all don’t hear what I’m saying. It’s still, all the evidence is still there. I believe that moment right on 3rd Avenue, right on the corner of 3rd and Stockton, when I told you it was finished, it was finished right then. It took ’em, it took many months for it to manifest but it was over when I said it was over. You need to declare it’s over. And God says to him, “Take thine horn and fill it with oil and go. Take thine horn and fill it with oil and go. Take thine horn and fill it with oil and go”. Leave from this depression. Stop allowing what I have rejected to control your emotions”.
Oh, this is good. This is good. You want me to operate in the new dimension while the old dimension is still sitting where it was, looking me in the face? You want me to call those things that are not as though they were? You want me to walk in my healing while my back is still hurting? You want to poor to say I’m rich? Oh, y’all ain’t hearing me tonight. So this is what the Lord told me to tell you. In order to get what he has for you, you got to operate in two dimensions. You got to operate in two dimensions. What I’ve rejected is still sitting there, but what I’ve appointed is coming. So he says, “How do I handle what was in the face of what is”? Anybody listening at me tonight? And there were three things that God gave him. God gave him a strategy.
Oh, I’m talking to somebody. I’m talking to somebody. The reason you’ve had took so much turbulence is that you talk too much. So God told Samuel what to tell Saul. He said, “Tell Saul that you’re going down there to worship. Get a heifer, bring her with ya and when you walk past the king, tell him I’m going down here to offer a sacrifice up to God. You don’t have to tell him everything I told you”. You don’t have to tell him what you shall be. You don’t have to tell him your dream and your vision. You don’t have to tell everybody what God is about to do in your life. Who am I preaching to? So you gon’ have to be wise. And God said, “I’m gon’ tell ya what to say. I’mma tell ya what to say”.
Somebody throw your hands up and say, “Lord, tell me what to say”. I’m in a season of transition. I’m in a place I’ve never been before. I’m having to operate in two different dimensions. I’ve never had to operate in two different dimensions. I’m stuck between what is about to be and what used to be. Tell me what to say. Somebody’s been in a perplexing place. You’re not quite in, but you’re not quite out. You’re not quite up, but you’re not quite down. Throw your hands up and say, “Lord, tell me what to say”. See, this is your year for shifts. There will be transformation. There will be a shifting. There will be a transition to break forth in your life. And you will have to use discretion.
Number two, “You’re going to have to use discernment”. Where I’m getting ready to take you, you cannot lean to your own understanding. Only the horn knows. Only the horn knows. Only the horn knows. You can’t trust your own eyes, you can’t trust your own ears, you can’t trust your own friends. Those people who got your ear, you can’t trust them. You’re going to have to use discernment. When you get to the right place, you’re going to know it because the oil is going to flow. I don’t care whether you’re in a storefront or a megachurch, got stained glass or no glass, padded pews or folded chairs. The only thing that I care about, is there an anointing in that house?
Touch three people and say, “Fill your horn with oil and go”. So the Lord said, “The anointing is going to have classified information. The anointing is going to have classified information”. God’s going to give you something that you don’t qualify for, that the rules said you shouldn’t be able to have. You gon’ read something on the website saying you can’t have it. Go anyway, ’cause the anointing is going to destroy yolks. It’s going to open up doors. It’s going to make waves. Somebody’s going to say, “I don’t even know why I’m hiring you. I don’t even know why I’m giving you this opportunity. I don’t even know why I’m putting you in this position,” but God said, “Fill your horn with oil and go”. Touch your neighbor and say, “Fill your horn with oil and go”. So you’re going to have to have discernment.
Number one, “You’re going to have to have discretion”. Number two, “You’re going to have to have discernment”. Number three, “You’re going to have to be dissecting. Dissecting”. The Word of God is sharp, sharper than any two-edged sword casting asunder soul from spirit, bone from marrow. God said, “I’m getting ready to dissect some things. I’m getting ready to go into someplace. I’mma separate some stuff you didn’t think could be separated”. God said, “I’m going in between the bone and the marrow. I’m going to get down to the heart of the matter. I’m going to dissect some things with my Word. Bone from marrow. Soul from spirit. My Word is going to separate, my Word is going to do some dissecting, my Word is gon’ bring about a change, my Word is going to fix, not your word. That’s why I told you to shut your mouth. It will not be your word that does the dissecting. It will be the Word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord”.
The Word of God will do the work. Who am I preaching to? My third point, and I’m almost done. “Take thine horn and fill it with oil and go”. Watch this. Don’t fill a container or a vessel. Why does God tell him to fill a horn? A horn has to be cut from the head. Where there is no blood, there is no oil. The principle of the blood and the oil are all through the Scripture. Whenever you see blood, the oil will flow. Wherever you see blood, the oil will flow. Once you have been through the blood, you can get the oil. Do you hear what I’m saying?
God said, “Fill thy horn with oil”. You gon’ have to be full. This year you’re going to have to be full. This year you can’t be sitting in church thinking about nothing else. This year you can’t be texting your friends and tweeting out all kind of information to people that don’t even matter, and you didn’t get it yourself. I’m not against tweeting. I do some myself, but I’m old school. In my day, we took notes. This generation tweets out stuff you don’t even understand. You so busy giving it away, you don’t have it. Get it yourself first. Get it yourself first. God has given it to you to get down in your spirit, to get down in your soul, and you giving it to everybody else and then you can’t remember it. Oh. For what God’s getting ready to do in your life and this year, you gon’ have to be full.
Throw your hands up and say, “Fill my horn with oil”. Throw it again, “Fill my horn with oil”. Say it again, “Fill my horn with oil”. That means I don’t have any room for anything else. If I’m full of oil, I can’t be full of hate. If I’m full of oil, I can’t be full of frustration. If I’m full of oil, I can’t be full of depression. Somebody say, “Fill my horn with oil”. Whatever God is getting ready to release in this season in your life, you’re going to have to come up under a fresh anointing. This will not be like any other kind of anointing you had before. You’re going to have to have your horn filled with oil. You’re gonna shift some things.
Some things are getting ready to change in your life. And the Lord told me to tell ya, he’s already been telling you it was going to happen. Whoever I’m preaching to, I’m bearing witness to something that’s already been down in your spirit. If I’m preaching to the right people, give him a praise right now. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Touch your neighbor and tell them, “I’m getting a fresh anointing. I’m not going to be like who I was. I’m not going to act like how I used to act. Don’t expect me to be who I used to be. I’m coming into a new season. I’m coming into a fresh anointing. I’m coming into a fresh power. I’m coming into a fresh glory. You might not want to sit beside me because I’m getting ready to flow in the dimension that I never flew in before. I’m getting ready to flow with a fresh anointing”.
I need three minutes of crazy, Holy Ghost. Yes. Yes. Yes. You got a minute left. Fill it up. Fill it up. Fill it up. Fill your horn with oil. Fill it up before you go to work. Fill it up. Before you deal with that problem, fill it up. God’s getting ready to take you into abundance. God’s getting ready to take you into overflow. God’s getting ready to drive out the enemy. God’s getting ready to fill up all space. You won’t be empty. You won’t be lonely. Throw your hands up and say, “Fill it up”.
My God, I feel the anointing and the Holy Ghost in this place. Every vessel in here give your God a praise. Yeah. God said, “I’m going to give you a fresh anointing. Open your mouth and give… I feel an oil change. I feel an oil change. I feel an oil change. Devil, you should have killed me when you had the chance, but it’s too late now. I feel the oil of the Holy Ghost coming in my life. I dare you to praise him. Hear the Word of the Lord. What God is giving to you, is not for you. Fill your horn with oil, but I’m going to give something to you that’s not for you. It’s going to affect everybody around ya.
Touch your neighbor and say, “I got something for ya”. He put it in me. It will affect you. If you don’t want to be affected, don’t sit by me. I have an anointing to bring about a change. Who am I preaching to in this place? The Lord told me to tell ya, stop crying over who wouldn’t receive ya, because what God gave ya, everybody can’t receive it. You tried to pour it on the wrong person and it didn’t even work. Stop crying about it. God protected you from anointing the wrong thing. The Lord said, “Praise me for people who left ya, jobs you didn’t get, doors that didn’t open. If it was for ya, I would of gave it to ya”. Y’all don’t hear what I’m saying. I feel the Spirit of release in this place. Thank God for what you didn’t get.
Oh, I’m separating now. Everybody ain’t go that kind of faith. Everybody ain’t got that kind of faith. I thank ya for what I didn’t get. I thank ya for the door that didn’t open. I thank ya for the woman who walked away. I thank ya for the man that rejected me. Come on, come on, come on. Samuel was a true prophet but he almost anointed the wrong man to be king. He looked at Eliab. Eliab was tall and strong, and Saul was tall and strong, and he looked like he was the one, but he wasn’t. So when Samuel tried to anoint him, he held a horn over his head, but the oil knew what the prophet didn’t know. God said, “If it didn’t work, it wasn’t supposed to work”. He’s got something better. Oh, they can’t hear me. He’s got something. He’s got something better. He’s got something better. He’s got something better. Somebody praise him for better.