The word, “Risen, he is not here. He has risen. He is not here, he has risen”. The word “risen” and the word “remember” pop out of the text. Risen, remember. How did they manage to forget what he said? The angel said, “Remember what he said. He is not here. He is not where you left him”. He has gone into another dimension. I’m talking about a shift. I’m talking about a disruption. I’m talking about moving to the next dimension. While I applaud the fact that you would love him dead, I challenge you to understand he is gone into the next dimension, and you have forgotten what he said. But let’s not be too hard on them. They had been through hell.
I want to know this morning, has what you’ve seen made you forget what he said? This is a war between senses, between sight and hearing. They walked down to the tomb. Though it was dark, they walked in the sight and the enlightenment of what they saw. Because what they saw convinced them that what? That he in fact was dead. But we walk not by sight. Have you allowed what you have seen to make you walk in the light of what you have seen, rather than what you have heard? Faith doesn’t come by sight. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.
It is a conflict of evidences when you hear something on Sunday morning, but you see something on Monday. And what you see happening in your life contradicts what you heard on Sunday morning. And all of a sudden, you react according to what you see rather than… faith cometh by? Oh, faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Which sense will win? What you see with your eyes or what you’ve heard? When you see you’re a diabetic, but you heard by his stripes we are healed, what sense will win? When you heard that the fruit of your body is blessed, but you see your children going absolutely wild, whose report will you believe?
Right now in every person’s life in this room, there is a fight. There is a fight going on right now, I mean a fight. I mean a boxing match. I mean a fight to death. I mean a war. I mean a conflict going on in every person’s life in this room between what you see and what you heard. And in spite of the conflict, the women… I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m going in. I don’t understand it, but I’m going in here. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’m going in. The love I have compels me to overcome the senses around me. I’m going in.
This is your season to step out of the familiar into the unfamiliar. I need some courageous folk in this place. I need some folk that’ll go in scared, go in confused, go in nervous. Touch five people and tell them, “I’m going in”. I’m going in. I’m going in”. I came to tell you to get ready for a shift. Get ready for a turnaround. It may be uncomfortable, it may be conflicting, it may be disruptive. It may make you nervous, but you got to go in anyway.
I prophesy to you this morning that you shall go through a paradigm shift that will set you in a place of the unexpected. That God will appear to you in unexpected ways, that he will do unexpected things. That people who expect you to be where they left you, they’re going to come looking for you to be where they left you. They thought you couldn’t move if they didn’t move you. They thought you couldn’t get up if they didn’t raise you. They thought you couldn’t progress if they weren’t with you. But by the time they get there, you will not be where they expected. God is going to move every obstacle that’s standing in between you and what he’s about to do in your life. I dare you to praise him.
Sit down, sit down ’cause I got something else to tell you. I got more to give you, but I’m going to give you this first, I’m going to quit. So angels, the angels is like sitting on what used to hold Jesus. They sitting up chilling, sitting on the rock. They sitting on what the Romans used to hold him in, not only did they move it out of the way, they made it a chair. God said, “I’m going to make your enemies your footstool”.
And then I had to go back and remember. Everything he had turned out like he had said. If they’d have been listening at Jesus, they wouldn’t even come down to that tomb that morning. He already told them. When he was living, before he was crucified, he’d already told them, “If you destroy the temple, in three days I’ll raise it up again. No man takes my life. I lay it down. And if I lay it down, I’ll pick it back up again. As Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days, so shall the Son of man be in the earth three days”.
Why had they not remembered what he said? Why do we forget what he said? But here’s a deeper principle. I noticed how he prepped for what he had to go through before he went through it. “I’m going to go through something, but I’m coming out. It may look bad for a minute, but I’m coming out”. They think they’re in control, but they’re not in control. I’m coming out of this. I’m coming out of this. He wasn’t even in it yet, and he was already telling them how it was going to turn out. He called those things that are not as though they were. And when everything was over, it turned out just like He said!
And the Lord said the problem with my people is when they’re in trouble, this is how they’re in trouble, this is how they’re in trouble. This is how they deal with their trouble. “Pray for me, child, I’m going through. I don’t know how things are going to turn out, there’s all hell breaking loose in my life. I’m going through such a bad time. I don’t know whether I’m going to make it or not, there’s some big ones this time. Lord, there’s some big ones this time, it’s killing me, it’s killing me, it’s killing me”.
And what they don’t understand is that the power of life and death is in the tongue. And the reason, the reason you have been in so long is because of how you talk. The children of Israel should have been out of the wilderness in a few days. But because of their mouth, they murmured and complained. What should have been a few days took 40 years ’cause they didn’t talk right. The Lord said, “If you want to come out quickly, you got to change the way you talk”. You got to start talking in the next dimension while you’re still in. So, let the poor say. Let the weak say.
And I know it’s too early to be talking about what’s happening next, but the Lord said, “Don’t wait till you get there to start talking in the next dimension”. So, he said he was going to anoint you to prophesy. I want you to speak what God is about to do in your life. So, here’s my final point. You are my final point. If you shall have whatever you say, if it’s going to turn out according to what you said, you got to get up, you got to stand up, and you got to say something. It is not what I said that’s going to bring you out or keep you in. It is what you say that’s going to determine what happens next. You know what’s blowing my mind? I just gave them the keys to the kingdom. When I told you you can have whatever you say, you should take over the something.